
Meet Pauline

Meet Pauline



“I was smoking 10-15 cigarettes a day for 50 years, but now I am 3 months smoke free. I decided to quit smoking to improve my health. A neighbour of mine was a very active man, always on his bicycle. He now has lung cancer. He no longer rides his bike and uses a walking stick. Each time I saw him, I would look at the number for Smokefree Liverpool as I didn’t want that to be me.

I found quitting hard to begin with, as the patches didn’t agree with me. But I hung on in there! I went on the inhalator and found this much better. I found quitting easier than I thought – I wish I’d done it years ago! The support from Smokefree Liverpool has been really helpful. It was nice to have someone to talk to and give me advice.

The most noticeable benefits I have found since quitting are…

• My teeth don’t look as yellow
• I’ve become a lot fitter, walking quicker and can even run for my bus!
• I don’t have to stand outside in the cold to smoke
• My home no longer smells.

I never thought I could do it – not after all this time, but I have! Just give it a go. If you keep on trying, you will get there!

If Pauline can Quit the Ciggies, so can you!

Call our team of advisors on 0800 061 4212 or text ‘QUIT’ to 66777 to access FREE tailored support to help you go smoke free.